Friday, October 3, 2008

Here we go again......

Two days and counting....... Triathlon number two, here I come! This one should be pretty interesting since it is backwards and all. At least it will be in a pool this time so if I come close to drowning, I can just stand up, ha! Actually, I'm going to do my best to be a big girl and swim the entire distance. I mean, come on! 400 yards is laughable to some of you tri-pros out there. But alas, I am merely a simi-tri virgin (I can call myself that, right??) and I truly hate, hate, hate swimming. At least, after this event, I will have several months to really go for it in pool training before I have to worry about competing in another triathlon.

But running????? That's another story. If my feet would let me, I would run for hours. So far, I have been able to bribe my feet into an hour and a half of good running in exchange for a hot soak and a good foot massage. Unfortunately, I never have time for the long, hot soak after a run and I haven't been able to find anyone to volunteer in the foot massage area. And my feet are starting to catch on that I'm a big fat liar when it comes to bribing them into longer runs. Its their own fault. I mean, seriously..... they should know me by now.

OK, so enough of me. Happy training everyone! And I will see you (or should I say "blog you") on Monday. Sunday, if you're lucky.


Nikemom said...

Good luck! Your gonna kick some tri-a$$. :D

Lily on the Road said...

Have a ton of fun, and keep bribing those feet!!

Good Luck and we will be reading all about you soon!!!

triguyjt said...

all the best....
thanks for stopping by...