Monday, September 22, 2008

How NOT to report the traffic.....

I can’t believe it has been over a week since my last post. I used to be able to spit out excerpts of my life without hesitation. Now I’m sometimes too focused on eighteen million things to concentrate on writing. I will blame it on old age. But, love it, I do. And, think it, I will. Therefore, write it, I must!

So I’m on my way home from work Saturday (yes, I had to work on a Saturday) and I pass one of those traffic signs, you know, the ones that tell you how long it is going to take for you to go the next 5 miles, as if the already backed up traffic isn’t a good enough sign for you, they want to rub it in by putting it in writing? Anyway, on Saturday, it read: “Have your emergency kit prepared. Be ready for the unexpected”. Excuse me??? Does the DOT know something I don’t? I don’t know about you, but crazy thoughts entered my mind, like “War of the Worlds” or “I am Legend”. (yes, dramatic, I know). But seriously???!! Like the nation isn’t already in enough of a panic over the rise in foreclosures, Wall Street debauchery, and the gas crisis (for those of you not in the Southeast, we are out of gas. Yes. That’s what I said….. OUT of gas). Now, I know that gas will be arriving here soon, so my plan of missing work b/c I can’t GET to work will be thwarted. But for those people that take drama to an added extreme (believe it or not, I’m not one of those people), this “sign” could be construed very irrationally. For the poor soul driving down GA 400, who has just received a foreclosure notice from his lender, lost big time in the stock market, and is just about to run out of gas,  this “sign” is probably the last thing he wants to see. I mean I’m all for preparedness, but lets be a little more specific. The Georgia DOT needs to have a little more common sense when posting things OTHER THAN the traffic report. Maybe the sign should have read: “Are you ready for severe weather? Is your car stocked with the right emergency kit? Always be prepared.” Again... specifics.  

OK, enough of that soapbox. How has everyone’s training been going??? I am now up to 6 mile training runs, yay!!! I had been doing 3-4 mile training runs for so long that I realized I was not pushing myself far enough. In order for me to recover and be able to go longer distances, I must actually GO longer distances. Makes sense, right? Who would’a thunk it?

I have a 5K race this Saturday and my second sprint triathlon on the 5th of October. And I’m feeling great! Good luck to everyone racing in the next couple of weeks.

Oh! And on the mommy front…….me + kids + potty training does NOT = happiness. I think my boys are conspiring against me in this endeavor. But if I can push my self to run farther, then I can push my patience a little farther too. Wish us luck.


Marcy said...

I'm with you on the PT-ing front. I'm still trying to coax my youngest into it. I swear with the rate she's going she'll be 5 before she's PTed LOL

Lily on the Road said...

I can't believe how busy you are...

Good luck getting your training in..

P.O.M. said...

Good realization with the running. I had that "a-ha" moment a while ago about speed. Like, hello - I am not going to get any faster if I don't TRAIN faster.